Visit to Forest School at Ham Commons, UK

Entrance to Forest School Site

Popping popcorn kernels at forest school

Canadian teacher, April Gutensohn, operates and teaches within a successful non-profit forest school just outside of London, England.  The forest school provides programs within the Ham Common woods for preschool-age as well as school-aged children.  What a treat it was for me to join in and participate in two sessions last Wednesday!

The children were most excited to celebrate their final day at forest school by building a small fire and popping popcorn over open flames.  Hopefully this dialogue will give you a sense of the enthusiasm I witnessed as children watched the popcorn kernels begin to pop …

“April, I just saw one [pop]!”

“Oh, look!”

“It sounds like fireworks!”

“It worked!”

“Now we can blow out the fire.”

For more information about April’s forest school programs, please visit

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