More media coverage …

Nature Kindergarten Registration Process

Please view the link below to get details about the Nature Kindergarten registration process.

Sooke School District – Nature Kindergarten Registration Process

Parent Information Sessions – Save the Date

Parent information sessions will be held on Saturday, January 14, 2012 from 10 am to noon and on Thursday, January 19, 2012 from 6:30 to 8:30 pm.  The sessions will be held at Sangster Elementary at 3325 Metchosin Road.

The same information will be shared at both information sessions, so parents should plan to come to one of the two sessions.  More information about the registration process will be posted in the near future.

Next Meeting – Monday, December 12, 3:15 pm

Our next planning meeting is Monday, December 12th at 3:15 pm, Grant Building, Rm. 228 at Royal Roads University.

Highlights from November’s Planning Meeting

It was great to have several new people join us for November’s planning meeting.  The energy and enthusiasm to become involved in this project is truly appreciated!

The group reviewed draft versions of two possible registration processes for the Nature Kindergarten.  At the November 22nd board meeting, the Board of Trustees determined that school district administration, not the board of trustees, will design the Nature Kindergarten registration process.  The registration process should be announced by December 16th.

An update was given on a meeting with someone from CRD’s risk management division who advised on how to develop a risk management plan.  A group of interested individuals will meet in early December to identify the specific natural settings where the program will take place, and evaluate potential risks.

A draft of the pedagogical principles was circulated and feedback is requested by Decmber 9th.

There was conversation about developing a logo, name and possible mascot for the Nature Kindergarten.  Many agreed that this would be a great project for the broader Sangster School community.

Nature Kindergarten – Globe and Mail Story

Please follow the link below to find today’s Globe and Mail story …

Update on Nature K registration process

A group of us met earlier this week to begin to draft the registration process for the Nature Kindergarten program.  We plan to finalize this process by December 16th. 

We are also planning perspective parent information sessions for January 2012.  Dates for these information sessions should be posted in the near future.

Please check this blog for regular updates.

Nature Kindergarten in local media

More Nature Kindergarten highlights in the local newspaper and on CFAX radio …

November Planning Meeting – Nov. 15, 3:15 pm

Our next planning meeting is scheduled for November 15th at 3:15 pm at Royal Roads University, Grant Building, Room 228.

Goldstream Gazette news story

Please follow this link to read about the Nature Kindergarten pilot in our local newspaper.