Author Archives: Frances Krusekopf

Update on Nature Kindergarten Project

The concept of a Nature Kindergarten in the Sooke School District has been presented to various groups including the Board of Trustees, senior management, elementary principals and vice principals, and interested Kindergarten teachers.  A pilot Nature Kindergarten class is proposed to begin in September 2012.  At this time, our planning group is researching various forest preschool and outdoor school models.  We are planning a few visits to different sites during the month of June and also hoping to consult with some experts in early summer.  Our planning group is also currently focused on securing funding for this pilot project.  Last week, we were notified that we received a $12,500 Rural Innovations Grant from U.B.C.

Next Nature Kindergarten Meeting – June 21

We are meeting at Royal Roads University at 3pm on June 21 in the Grant Building, Room 204

Nature Kindergarten Meeting

We are meeting today at Royal Roads University at 3pm in Grant, Rm. 204.

Nature Kindergarten

Kids looking for creatures in the grass

Welcome to the Nature Kindergarten blog.  We will use this site to make announcements about the progress of the Nature Kindergarten initiative here at School District #62.


Take a look at our Proposal For A Nature Kindergarten.